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Welcome to Big Trucks Summer in Roseville!

Get Ready for a utility adventure!

This summer, Roseville's Utility Exploration Center, together with our suite of utility services, is thrilled to bring back the exhilarating Big Trucks Summer event series! Join us every Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m., starting June 6, and explore the fascinating world of utility trucks and the teams who operate them.

Event details

Location: Mahany Park, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA
Dates: Every Thursday, starting June 6 through June 27
Time: 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (arrive early, as parking fills up quickly!)

A different utility each week

Each week focuses on a different aspect of our utility services, featuring live demonstrations, interactive games, and plenty of hands-on learning opportunities.

June 6: Make a splash with our water utility
Dive into Reliability: Discover how our water utility ensures your water is clean and reliable.

June 13: Uncover the world of wastewater
Navigate the network: Explore how we manage the city’s wastewater and maintain our pipes for smooth operation.

June 20: Talk trash & recycling
Waste not, want not: Join our waste services utility for a deep dive into waste management and recycling.

June 27: Power up with the electric utility
Ignite your curiosity: See firsthand how our electric utility powers the city of Roseville.
Special Attractions

Mighty machines: Get up close with the big trucks that make our daily conveniences possible.
Interactive fun: Engage in educational activities that bring the role of utilities to life.
Community engagement: Meet and greet with the people behind the scenes who ensure our utilities function seamlessly.

Join Us!

Bring your family and friends to Mahany Park and experience the power and capabilities of utility trucks. Whether you’re a curious kid or a fascinated adult, Big Trucks Summer has something exciting for everyone. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with your community and learn about the services that make Roseville a great place to live.

We can’t wait to see you there!

truck tracks

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Waste Services


