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Energy savings tips

Stay comfortable while conserving energy, no matter what the season.


Summer energy saving tips


Winter energy saving tips


No matter what the season, you'll save money by saving energy.

Water heaters

- Wrap your water heater with a water heater blanket to keep heated water warm.

- Set your water heater temperature to 120 degrees.

- Install low-flow showerheads and fix any leaky faucets.


- If your house is more than 15 years old, check the insulation in the attic and floor.

- Check the weather stripping and caulking around doors and windows. Up to 20% of the heat or cool air inside a typical house is lost through the windows.

- Curtains or blinds can act as additional insulation for windows, or can be opened to let in the sun’s heat.


- Consider replacing any incandescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) in your home with energy-efficient LEDs.

- Install light-sensitive controls or timers to automatically turn off lights when they're not needed.

- Choose solar-powered lights for your yard.

- Use desk lamps to focus the light where you actually need it, rather than wasting energy lighting the entire room.


- When you're not using lights and appliances, turn them off or unplug them if possible.

- Use smart strips so you can easily turn off multiple appliances at once.

- Use dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers only when they’re full.

- Avoid using appliances during the peak hours of 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., when demand for electricity is highest.

- Clean the coils at the back or bottom of your refrigerator to keep it running efficiently.

- Keep in mind that every time you open the refrigerator door, the compressor has to run for 8 to 10 minutes to cool it down again.

- Replace appliances with an Energy Star® model—they’re up to 40% more efficient than older models.

Vacation tips

- In summer, set your air conditioner thermostat at 85 degrees or higher. In colder weather, set your heater to 60 degrees or lower.

- Put lights on a timer to save energy and give the house a "lived in" look.

- Draw the drapes on windows facing south and west.

- Shift your water heater to the lowest setting.

- Check to make sure no faucets inside or out are dripping.

Around the house

Money-saving tips for your home.

Home Energy Reports

How much energy do you use?

Get a customized Home Energy Report that illustrates your energy use and compares it to homes in your neighborhood most like yours. This tool also provides personalized energy saving tips. Have your account number ready, custom reports require log-in.

Click here to access your Home Energy Report

Thermostat settings

Even when no one is home, your heating and cooling systems are still using energy to maintain the temperature set on your thermostat. By adjusting your thermostat a few degrees during peak hours, you can save on heating and cooling costs.

Recommended temperature settings:

Cooling temps

Smart thermostats

Smart thermostats learn your preferences and habits and can create a custom temperature schedule. You can also create your own schedule. Smart thermostats can help reduce your home energy use and lower your energy bills.

Plus, most smart thermostats can be easily controlled from anywhere and many offer reports that help you manage your energy use.

Programmable thermostats

Programmable thermostats automatically adjust the thermostat temperature at different times of the day, according to a schedule that you select. For example, if you’re away from your home during the day, you can program your heating and air conditioning systems to warm your home or cool it down automatically before you return.