roller compacted concrete paving

Saving money while prolonging the life of our roadways 

Work to reconstruct several streets using a material called roller compacted concrete is now complete. By utilizing an innovative installation method, we're able to construct roads that last three times longer than traditional asphalt. This means roller compacted concrete can go 20–25 years without maintenance, while asphalt requires resurfacing every 7–10 years. 

By using concrete instead of asphalt, we can better use our limited funding to repair more Roseville streets. Plus, the lighter color means cooler roads on hot days, and brighter roads at night.

View Fox 40's story.

View Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Journal feature

Schedule & Locations

Typical work hours are Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Schedules are subject to change based on equipment, weather conditions, or other unforeseen circumstances. 

Please monitor digital message signs for the latest information and allow extra travel time. 

  • Washington Boulevard from Pleasant Grove to just north of Mountain Park Drive
    Crews are finishing surface texturing. After this is complete, medians will be built, utilities raised, and final road striping will be done.  
  • Atkinson Street, between Church Street and Denio Loop

  • Denio Loop

  • Hickory Street, between Church Street and Oakland Avenue
View map.

Stay Informed

Please monitor roadside electronic message boards for updated information about any lane closures or detours. 

Residents adjacent to the work area will receive fliers with details about construction impacts. 

to email and text message Traffic Alerts. 


Construction funding comes in part from SB1 gas tax (Senate Bill 1 passed in 2017), existing gas tax, developer-paid traffic mitigation fees, and other local transportation funds. 

Hickory Street with current asphalt surface

Simulated photo of Hickory Street with roller compacted

 View additional images of roller compacted concrete. 

What is roller compacted concrete?

Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a relatively dry concrete mix that is installed with a paving machine and then rolled, just like asphalt. It is sometimes called “white asphalt”. This installation method keeps construction costs lower than conventional concrete and very competitive with asphalt. RCC can be driven on by the end of the installation day, whereas regular concrete must harden for several days.

RCC can operate for 20 to 25 years without maintenance, while asphalt construction requires resurfacing every 7 to 10 years. If we reconstruct the city's deteriorating roadways with RCC, the funds that would have been used to resurface those roads had they remained asphalt, can now be used to repair the city's remaining asphalt roadways. This will help reduce the roadway maintenance structural deficit.

The benefits of RCC are unique and pleasing aesthetics, reduced maintenance, fewer resurfacing projects impacting your neighborhood, cooler roads during the day, and brighter roads during the night. 

Why are you trying something new?

Maintaining our more than $1 billion roadway infrastructure is a priority. Roseville is using roller compacted concrete because we’re looking for innovative solutions for maintaining streets in a fiscally responsible way. Like other California cities, Roseville does not have enough funding to keep pace with its roadway maintenance schedule. This puts us in the difficult position of prioritizing roadways based on traffic volume, age and cost. Older roads often require more intensive rehabilitation, which is more expensive than routine resurfacing. You can watch a brief video about how Roseville prioritizes road maintenance.

This paving project is funded in part by Senate Bill 1 (SB1) a new gas tax passed by the State Legislature in April 2017. It’s enhancing our ability to maintain our roadways but doesn’t completely close the funding gap. Prior to SB1, Roseville’s roadway maintenance was $50 million underfunded over the next 10 years. SB1 closed about half of the funding gap, lowering our maintenance funding deficit to about $25 million. 

The traditional gas tax is the primary funding source for roadways. Gas tax rates, accrued on a per gallon basis, were developed without an adjustment for inflation, minimizing their purchasing power with every year that passes. Gas tax revenues have also fallen due to more fuel-efficient and electric vehicles. Roseville has identified an average annual ongoing need of $9-10 million per year for road maintenance. The City annually funds $6.5 to $7.5 million per year from Gas Tax, Local Transportation, Utility Impact Reimbursement, SB1, and Federal Regional Surface Transportation program funds, leaving a shortfall of $2.5 million per year, or $25 million over the next 10 years.

Roadway Maintenance Funding

graph of funding

Roadway Maintenance Funding

Roadway Maintenance Funding

Resident outreach

Residents of Hickory Street received information in the mail about the proposed project and a voting ballot. A community meeting was also held on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 to discuss the pilot project with the community and answer questions. Ninety percent of the residents voted in favor of the project.

Community meeting informational flier

Paid for in part by

SB 1 Logo

Have questions? We're here to help.

(916) 746-1300
[email protected]