Shop Roseville's small businesses

Updated November 21, 2019
Support small businesses in Roseville on Small Business Saturday, November 30.

Dedicated to supporting the diverse range of local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy, and enhance neighborhoods, Small Business Saturday was created in 2010 in response to small business owners’ most pressing need: getting more customers.

Because an average two-thirds of every dollar ($0.67) spent at small businesses in the U.S. stays in the local community, consumers’ local impact during the important holiday shopping season could be significant. Further, every dollar spent at small businesses creates an additional 50 cents in local business activity as a result of employee spending and businesses purchasing local goods and services, according to the Small Business Economic Impact Study from American Express.

small business economic impact

The Small Business Economic Impact Study, a county-level economic analysis on shopping small commissioned by American Express, provides a closer look at the economic benefits of shopping locally and the impact of small business on communities.

The study found that if small businesses in the U.S., defined as businesses employing fewer than 100 employees, were a country, they would have a GDP of $4.8 trillion, equivalent to the GDP of Japan, the third largest economy in the world.

The study also demonstrated the extent to which small businesses support jobs locally. In addition to small businesses directly employing members of the community, spending by those small businesses and their employees in the area also supports local jobs. In fact, for every ten jobs at a small business, another seven are supported in the local community.