Police Beat 1 |
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2025-00015191 |
3/16/25 6:33 PM |
The victim last accessed his garage around March 2, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. On March 16, 2025, at approximately 6:15 p.m., the victim went to his garage and attempted to open it with the remote opener. The garage door would not open, and the victim noticed that the lock appeared to be popped out. He manually lifted the garage door open, and noticed that the interior seemed very empty. The victim discovered that several boxes and hampers full of personal belongings had been stolen. One of the items stolen was an Xbox 360 and also many of his remaining possessions including collectible action figures, antique toys, movies, video games, jewelry, clothing, and other miscellaneous items. The victim estimated the total value of the items stolen to be $1,500. |
2025-00014062 |
3/11/25 7:47 AM |
The victim stated on the morning of 03/10/2025 she received a text message claiming fraudulent charges were made on her iTunes account and was prompted to contact “the bank” via a number provided. Upon making contact, the victim was advised her bank account was charged at several locations amounting to a loss of approx. $11,000. The victim explained the person she believed to be a bank representative told her to withdraw the rest of her funds from the bank account to prevent further transactions. The victim stated the “bank representative” told her if anyone asked what she was using the money for, to say she was buying a car. Using her debit card, the victim withdrew $5,000 cash and promptly drove to an address given by the scammer. When the victim arrived at the address, a QR code was sent to her via text message. Using the QR code, the victim accessed the Bitcoin station inside the building to deposit $1,000. Immediately after making this deposit, the victim continued to the next destination provided by the suspect and another QR code was sent to her via text message, which she used to deposit $3,900 into the Bitcoin station at that location. The victim added she was advised to purchase Apple gift cards from Walmart. However, when Walmart did not have those cards, the victim was told to purchase two separate gift cards for $1,000 from Lulu Lemon which she did. Shortly after this purchase the victim was advised to scratch off the bar at the back of the gift cards and send a photo of both cards via text message. The victim admitted it seemed strange, but she was doing what they asked of her. The next time she heard from the suspect the victim realized she was being scammed, so she began blocking their numbers. Ultimately, the victim explained she was at a loss of$7,000. |
2025-00014932 |
3/15/25 5:44 AM |
On 3/14/25, at about 9 p.m., The victim parked his car in his assigned parking spot. He returned to his vehicle on 3/15/25 at about 5 a.m. and noticed an unknown suspect had stolen all four wheel/tires from the vehicle. The victim estimated the value of the stolen wheels/tires to be about $1500. |
Police Beat 2 |
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2025-00014809 |
3/14/25 12:48 PM |
The victim said on 2/25/25, his son left the garage door open overnight. They were moving and had been open all day. His son was the only one home that night and forgot to close it. There were multiple boxed items inside of the garage. On 3/7/25, the victim was going through some of the boxes at his new residence and discovered many items including his mapping cameras, and car seat missing. He thought someone had stolen it from inside the garage at the old residence when the garage was left open. There was no forced entry into the garage. He estimated the amount of loss to be around $3K. The theft most likely occurred over night. |
2025-00014617 |
3/13/25 12:49 PM |
The victim advised he was leaving a retail establishment after making a $74 purchase when a female (suspect 1) and male (suspect 2) who were originally standing behind him in line, approached him. Suspect 1 was holding a $20 and a $1 bill and told the victim he dropped the $20 bill inside at the register. The victim told Suspect 1 that he didn’t carry cash and took his wallet out to show her that the money was not his. Suspect 1 insisted and was attempting to place the $20 in his wallet when his debit card fell to the ground. The victim immediately picked up his card and believes he put it back inside his wallet, but somehow Suspect 1 collected it. The victim advised at approximately 3 p.m., he received an email notification about a $1000 ATM withdrawal and also received an additional email for a $600 ATM withdrawal that was declined. |
Police Beat 3 |
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2025-00014963 |
3/15/25 11:06 AM |
The victim was searching for a condo using Apartments.com. He located an open condo for rent in Dublin, California. He inquired on the property to see if it was still available and received an email from an individual explaining they were currently living in Florida and the property was still available for rent. The victim viewed photographs of the condo and liked it. He wanted to conduct a walk-thru of the condo before signing paperwork but due to the suspect not living in California, he suggested the victim send $2000 to him and he would send the keys to the apartment. The victim agreed to the condition and sent $500 using Venmo. He tried to send the remaining $1500 using Venmo for another transaction but the application prevented the transaction so he sent the $1500 as a wire transfer. After the money was sent, the victim didn’t hear back and all communication stopped between the two. |
Police Beat 4 |
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2025-00014178 |
3/11/25 2:27 PM |
On 2/19/25, the victim had received his February Social Security check but was supposed to be sent January’s as well since he had changed banks which caused him to miss getting the check. The victim contacted Social Security at a number stored in his phone and spoke with a female (Suspect). The suspect knew the victim’s social security number, and other personal identifying information and told him he had won an award of $500K from the US Treasury and needed to pay fees and taxes on it if he wanted to receive the money. The victim then spoke with a male who identified himself as the head of the US Treasury Department who confirmed he had won the award. The victim sent $7842 in cash to an address provided. He then sent $500 via the Zelle application and $1096 through Western Union. When the suspect kept asking for more money, the victim got suspicious and stopped communicating with her and contact police for assistance. |
2025-00014817 |
3/14/25 1:50 PM |
The victim stated on 03/09/2025 at an unspecified hour he discovered his wallet missing from the center console of his pickup truck. He explained the vehicle had not been accessed since sometime on 03/04/2025 and had been parked on the street outside his apartment complex. The victim added the vehicle has a “grounding issue” which causes the vehicle not to lock properly. Inside the stolen wallet was the victim's social security card, CA driver’s license, bank debit card, $20 cash, and some blank checks. The victim stated upon checking his debit card activity he found approx. $4,000 worth of Bitcoin purchased. The victim continued to describe how the suspect(s) were somehow using his phone number and ‘What’s App’ along with the ‘Cash App’ phone applications to conduct the Bitcoin transactions. Victim has since changed his phone number and all his passwords. |
Police Beat 5 |
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2025-00014453 |
3/12/25 4:03 PM |
On March 12, 2025, at approximately 6:30 p.m., the Police Department was dispatched on a report of a package of marijuana sent to a business. Upon making contact with the reporting party, the officer was advised that at approximately 2 p.m. the business received a United States Postal Service package. The reporting party opened the package to discover there was an undisclosed amount of marijuana inside. The reporting party advised he was the only person that worked at this location. Upon discovering the marijuana inside the package, the reporting party contacted the Roseville Police Department to report the situation. The package was examined and no details were available to see where the package was originally shipped from or any additional details as a result of the return to sender sticker being placed over the shipping label. The package was collected and booked for destruction. |
Police Beat 6 |
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2025-00014578 |
3/13/25 10:31 AM |
The victim said on 3/12/25 at about 3 p.m., he was shopping and went to pay using his cell phone, and had to enter his pin number. He did not notice anyone around him. He walked outside of the store to his vehicle and when he got there an older white female adult was waiving a $20 bill in the air and trying to get his attention. She walked over to the victim and was accompanied by a white male adult and they told the victim he had dropped the $20 bill. The victim usually did not carry cash on him and was confused. The male told the victim to get his wallet out and check. Once the victim had his wallet out, the male took it and put the $20 bill into the wallet but did not notice anything missing at the time. Shortly after, the victim discovered his debit card was missing. He saw that on 3/12/25 there were multiple withdraws including two withdraws ($1500, $1800) in Sacramento, and one withdraw ($2000) in North Highlands. The victim filed a claim with his bank and cancelled his debit card. The victim thought the male must have stolen his debit card while he was putting the $20 bill in it. |
Police Beat 7 |
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2025-00015257 |
3/17/25 8:57 AM |
On Friday, 03/14/2025 at approximately 1200 p.m., the construction site was closed for the weekend. To secure the lumber left on site, the remaining plywood boards were screwed together and the 4x4 poles were bound together. When the victim returned to the construction sites on Monday, 3/17/2025, at approximately 6 a.m., he found 15 plywood sheets missing and four 4x4 poles missing as well. He valued the loss at approximately $580. The victim also mentioned that the area is frequently used as a pass through to get from one neighborhood to another so there are often cars traveling the street. |
2025-00014128 |
3/11/25 12:24 PM |
The victim advised she was in the process of selling her home and had multiple people inside for various reasons. She last remembered seeing her jewelry early in February, prior to the first open house on 2/7. On 3/8/2025 while unpacking a box at her new home, the victim discovered multiple pieces of jewelry missing. She does not know who would have taken it during the multiple times people were inside her home, or exactly when it was taken. |
2025-00015990 |
3/20/25 1:25 PM |
The victim said on 3/19/25 at about 1:22 p.m., she received a text message about a fraud alert claiming to be from her bank. The text stated there were fraudulent charges on her debit card which were made in Charlotte, North Carolina at Walmart. She texted the number back and said she did not make any purchases there. She contacted a female through the number who knew some personal information about her. The victim thought the female was an employee at her bank and also spoke with a male about the fraudulent purchases. The male had the victim follow directions on how to recover the money by cancelling her debit card. She also had to reset her Apple wallet. The male had her add his personal debit card into her Apple wallet. She did that and went to the bank to get $8600. She went to another ATM machine and transferred the money into the male’s account by scanning a barcode that transferred the money into the account. After the transaction was completed, she was instructed to delete the male’s debit card from her Apple wallet, so she did. She tried to contact the male multiple times and could not get a hold of anyone on the phone number she had been in contact with. The victim knew at this point she had been a victim of fraud. She verified there were no fraudulent transactions in North Carolina. |