Introducing Roseville's Power Flex energy saving program
The Power Flex program utilizes participating residential customers’ heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system and smart thermostat to save energy during times of grid strain. Roseville has partnered with EnergyHub, a leading energy saving solutions company, to offer our customers this unique opportunity to help our community and save money at the same time. Through EnergyHub’s software, Roseville can temporarily adjust the temperature setting on a customer’s thermostat to lower energy use when needed. Program participants will receive a one-time $25 program enrollment bill credit, followed by an annual $25 credit for remaining enrolled.

Power Flex is a seasonal program that operates from May to September. During the Power Flex season, Roseville has the option to adjust participating customers' thermostats for a maximum length of four (4) hours per event, and up to a total of eighty (80) hours a season.  Customers in the Power Flex program can opt-out at any time by simply adjusting their thermostat like normal. You must have an eligible thermostat to participate. For complete details and to enroll, please visit 
EnergyHub’s website.