High Water Mark: Be Flood Aware
The High Water Mark initiative, created by FEMA and
other federal agencies, helps remind residents of historic major local
floods and encourages the community to prepare for future flood risks.
Roseville has posted high water mark signs to show how high flood waters
have risen in the past.
Roseville has
made significant investments in developing flood mitigation improvements
and instituting a comprehensive floodplain management program. As a
result, Roseville became the first city in the United States to hold a Class I
rating as part of
FEMA's Community Rating System. This means Roseville property owners save money on their flood insurance premiums.
Learn more about FEMA's High Water Mark Initiative.
See Roseville's flood improvements and facts.
High Water Mark Sign Locations
Click on the sign locations shown on the map for details.
Dry Creek at Riverside Avenue
January 10, 1995 high water mark elevation: 132.74 feet above sea level
Post-flood control project 100-year storm water surface elevation: 130 feet above sea level

Riverside Avenue - January 10, 1995
Flood control improvements in this area included the removal of the
culverts under the railroad tracks on Dry Creek, downstream of Vernon
Street, thereby removing over 150 homes from the floodplain. Cost = $2
million (City contributed $220,000). The 100-year water surface
elevation is now modeled at 2 feet, 9 inches below the high water mark
shown on the sign.

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Dry Creek at Columbia Avenue
January 10, 1995 high water mark elevation: 147.58 feet above sea level
Columbia Avenue, Folsom/Maciel Neighborhood - January 10, 1995
Home Elevation Program. FEMA funded 75% of this $1 million program to
elevate flood-prone homes. These are structures that would not be
brought completely out of the floodplain by construction of our flood
control project. Homeowner participation was voluntary. 27 of 44
homeowners eligible elevated their homes via this program. Most of those
27 are located in the Folsom/Maciel neighborhood along Dry Creek,
including homes on Columbia Avenue.
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Cirby Creek at Tina Way
January 10, 1995 high water mark elevation: 138.63 feet above sea level
Post-flood control project 100-year storm water surface elevation: 135 feet above sea level
Tina Way, Tina/Elisa Neighborhood - January 10, 1995
This project brought the entire Tina/Elisa neighborhood of 40 homes out
of the floodplain. Cost = $3 million (100% City funded).
The sign is placed on the “dry side” of the flood control improvements.
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Linda Creek at Champion Oaks Drive
January 10, 1995 High Water Mark Elevation: 159.56 feet above sea level
Post-Flood Control Project 100-year Storm Water Surface Elevation: 157.10 feet above sea level
Champion Oaks Drive - January 10, 1995
Flood control improvements in two areas on Linda Creek: the Champion
Oaks/West Colonial Parkway area, and the Sunrise/Oakridge area. This
project reduced the size of the floodplain resulting in 233 homes no
longer being located in the floodplain, and reducing the risk of
flooding for 44 additional homes. Cost = $16.1 million ($8.7 million
FEMA funds, $7.4 million City funds).
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