The Fair Political Practices Commission requires local public officials and employees to disclose personal financial holdings. The Act establishes two (2) categories of public officials and employees who must disclose their personal financial interests:
1) 87200 filers:  Roseville City Councilmembers, Roseville Planning Commissioners, Roseville City Manager, Roseville City Attorney, Roseville Chief Financial Officer; and
2) designated code filers:  established through the adoption of the Conflict of Interest Code by the Roseville City Council.

Statements of Economic Interests - Form 700 enables the City to identify areas of potential conflicts so that Roseville officials and City employees can refrain from making or participating in a government decision that may have a reasonably foreseeable material effect on his or her personal interests.  All filings are public documents and are available for inspection and reproduction to any member of the public at the Roseville City Clerk's Department, located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA.

Statements of Economic Interests filed by Roseville 87200 filers are also available electronically on the Fair Political Practices website at or at the Fair Political Practices Commission office:

California Fair Political Practices Commission
1102 Q Street, Suite 3050
Sacramento, CA 95811
1-866-ASK-FPPC (1-866-275-3772)