Affordable Housing Opportunities

Roseville’s Housing Division strives to increase the City's affordable housing availability, including both affordable rental and affordable purchase units provided under the City’s inclusionary requirements and in city-partnered development.

View more information about current developments.

State of California First Time Homebuyer Program

The State of California is relaunching their Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loan soon. It is a down payment assistance program for first-time homebuyers to be used in conjunction with the Dream for All Conventional first mortgage for down payment and/or closing costs. Upon sale or transfer of the home, the homebuyer repays the original down payment loan, plus a share of the appreciation in the value of the home. Visit for more information. 

Affordable Housing Parcels for Future Development
The City of Roseville General Plan includes an affordable housing goal which requires 10% of all housing units developed to be affordable to households at very low, low and middle (moderate) income households.

View a list of vacant parcels obligated for future affordable housing development.
View Specific Plan Development Agreement information. 

Contact the Housing Division with any further questions at 916-774-5270.

Mission and Vision of Roseville Housing:

The mission of the Roseville Housing Division is to serve the citizens of Roseville by:
  • Providing affordable housing opportunities in a safe environment.
  • Revitalizing and maintaining neighborhoods.
  • Forming effective partnerships to maximize social and economic opportunities.

The mission shall be accomplished by a fiscally responsible, creative organization committed to excellence in public service.


  • 4,102 affordable units developed in the Roseville Affordable Housing Program.
  • $15,066,825 deployed into Roseville through housing, low-income community investment and service programs during FY 22/23.
  • 1,597 individuals assisted currently by the Roseville Housing Authority.

Customer Quotes:

"Having a stable home has helped me to become an "able" parent. Because of that stability my daughter recently graduated with high honors." Christine S.

"City Staff are extremely accommodating and responsive." Leslie B., Director of Placer Independent Resources Services (PIRS)

"Roseville Housing Authority has brought me to a place where I am now almost able to buy a home. I got all my ducks in a row and right now I have a house in escrow." Roy C.

"I want to personally thank you for your professional attention to my case over the years, for I will miss you, yet, at the same time I am very happy to be free from any and all government assistance. To stand on my own two feet is AWESOME!" Mary M.

Notice of Document Availability and Public Hearing
Permanent Local Housing Allocation Application

See the 302(c)(4) plan here

What's Happening

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